About us

La Maison Muguet is registered furnished holiday accommodation, under the régime of micro-entrepreneur. The registered business owner is Frances Wedge, of 5 rue du Puits, Les Bordes, 79120 Messé, France. Email: muguetmaison@gmail.com Siret No: 81150434900028

About this site

Website hosted by one.com, 57 Rue d’Amsterdam Paris 75008. All images on this website are the intellectual property of the business owner, or have been licensed for use. None may be reproduced.

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Booking terms

A confirmed booking exists when either written or email confirmation of that booking is accepted by the proprietor or their representative.
The guest has no right to security of tenure of the house.
The guest agrees to use this property solely for the purpose of a private holiday residence for the maximum of people shown on the booking correspondence and agrees not to:
* use the property for any improper, illegal, or immoral purposes
* sub-let the property
* cause(or allow any guests or visitors to cause) any nuisance, annoyance or disturbance
* smoke or allow smoking in the property
* keep pets in the property
Failure to comply with the requirements above will result in the agreement being terminated.
A non-refundable deposit will be taken at the time of booking. The remainder of the payment is due 6 weeks before arrival. If arrival is less than 6 weeks from booking, then full payment is due when the booking is confirmed.
Guests will pay a refundable damages deposit stated in the booking correspondence on taking entry to the property; the preferred method of payment is either by cheque or cash. The damages deposit will be refunded without interest within 21 days of their vacation of the property, after deduction of all reasonable costs for remedying any damage to the property or the contents thereof incurred by the owner as a result of the actions of the guests. This includes the reasonable cleaning costs in the event that the property is left in a dirty or very untidy condition.
If a cancellation is received within 2 weeks of the start date, payment in full is due, unless the property is re-let for the period. Should the property be re-let for a reduced fee, the guest will be liable to pay the difference between the original agreed payment and the reduced fee for the re-let. It is recommended that guests take out cancellation insurance.
The property will be available after 4pm on the start date unless a separate agreement is reached. The way in which the keys will be delivered or collected will be agreed when the final payment is received. The property shall be vacated by 10:00am on the departure date unless a separate agreement is reached. Keys will be returned in accordance with arrangements made when the keys are provided.
La Maison Muguet is a no-smoking property and shall be left in a clean and tidy state. Rubbish should be disposed of as explained in the instructions within the property. An excess cleaning charge will be applied should it be required.
The guest agrees to repair, replace or pay for any items damaged through neglect, misuse, or carelessness on the part of the guest or any visitors to the property.
When damage occurs, either by negligence or deliberate action of a guest, the guest agrees to indemnify the proprietor against any associated losses, including lost income and the sourcing of alternative accommodation should that be required.
The guest will notify the proprietor of any repairs which are necessary and allow the proprietor or proprietor's agent access to carry out repairs.
If for unforeseen circumstances the property becomes unavailable for a confirmed booking, the guest will be informed as soon as possible. The proprietor, or their representative, must offer the guest similar or higher-standard accommodation. If this alternative is unacceptable to the guest, the guest is then entitled to a full refund of monies paid to date. The proprietor's liability is limited to monies paid to date.
The guest must confirm that they do not have diplomatic immunity.
The terms, conditions, contracts contracts and disputes in connection with this agreement are governed by French law.